The core of this project is a joint oral history research and knowledge sharing across the V4 region. Revolving around the 80th anniversary of the end of WWII, the project will contribute
to countering misinformatin and false narratives, promoting accurate historical understanding, using innovative educational tools and awareness raising campaigns based on the stories
of first hand witnesses.
At the time marked by historical distortion and a return of war in Europe due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the remembrance of and education about recent history become even more crucial for all parts of society, particularly for the youngest generation.
Memory of Nations is one of the most extensive online collections of witnesses’ testimonies in the world, containing more than 15,000 authentic stories of people who either fought against or suffered under oppressive totalitarian rule. These stories illustrate how undemocratic regimes impacted individual lives, and allow for the uncovering of their substance.
At the same time, they remind us that freedom and democracy are very fragile and easy to lose. Our consortium shares a deep belief that better knowledge of historical contexts strengthens our identity and fosters a vibrant civil society, which is considered an essential element of democracy.
By commemorating the causes and consequences of undemocratic regimes through authentic stories of witnesses, we aim to prevent historical distortion, tackle false narratives and draw attention to the misinterpretation of historical events fuelled by political or ideological motives.
Our project will contribute to the solution of the above-mentioned issues specifically by:
- Further recording witnesses’ testimonies, that might serve as a primary source of information,
- Educating young generations about the events of the Second World War,
- Launching an awareness-raising campaign, bringing stories of WWII to the attention of the public.

Project partners:
Post Bellum SK, o. z., Slovakia
Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europea, Poland
Terra Recognita Foundation, Hungary